Sunday, January 31, 2010

Downtown with Becca & Mark

Had the priviledge of photographing my new roommate Rebecca & her fiancee Mark in honor of their wedding engagement. This was a first for me but I think it went well! Still the usual suspect that I need to work on... focusing... It was a great time though, I actually took over 400 photos! Probably in the hopes that a couple would actually turn out. One problem that I had never really thought about is your subjects towering above you hieght wise. It really makes it an interesting photoshoot! I kept looking for ledges and steps to stand on to take their pictures since they are both 6' tall (as opposed to my 5'3)... I may just bring a stool next time I shoot them!! Thanks Becca & Mark for the practice. Hope you like your photos!
PS.... thank you to DeeDee Dallas for the railroad shot inspiration as well as the kissing in the arch!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Elena Harshaw

Elena was such a good sport and willing to go into any creepy alley I wanted her too... It was my first head shot / model shoot and besides the trespassing and frightening railroad track incident , I think it went great. Thanks Elena!

At the Park with the Deans

Found the cutest park at the end of 6th St in Norco (thanks Bec). And thanks Gina & Josh for letting me contort your kids in to all kinds of uncomfortable positions all in the name of a good shot. Such a cute family!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Holly, Avery & Jacob

I had the pleasure of photographing my old High School friend that I haven't seen... well since HS and her babies. Avery was a bundle of energy while Jacob was content just watching us run around trying to catch Avery! I expiremented with the exposure in these photos in editing as I was inspired by my sister's photographer, Michelle Sullivan. All of her photos are slightly over exposed and I absolutely love it! I just need to get photoshop so I can amp up the colors (eyes especially). Thanks Holly! It was a fun shoot!