Monday, September 14, 2009

Photography Class Projects

It's been four months and I am finally getting around to updating some of my Photography class projects! I actually spent a lot of time taking pictures with my camera of my class projects only to realize afterwards that my memory card somehow has disappeared! So in order to salvage the day I borrowed my sister's Sony Cybershot and snapped a couple shots.

None of my photos from the class are actually anything I would want to brag about. I never realized how absolutely AMAZING digital camera technology is until I tried shooting in film... and developing the prints myself. It was such a rewarding experience and something that is so much fun to learn but it's insanely time consuming, can be expensive and hugely frustrating if the shots you need do not come out. I wasn't able to go back and re take a lot of shots that I would have wanted to due to time constraints and limited photo lab times. But it was a great learning experience and such an awesome feeling to shoot a picture and then develop it yourself and to have a print that is something you completely created. With that said, though, I am definitely a digital girl all the way and can't wait to take a class where I can focus on composition and technique!

So above are a few shots and a montage of my photos from the class. (keep in mind when I took the pictures of the prints there were some glares that are not on the originals).

Stay tuned for much more to come now that I am armed with a little more knowledge!

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